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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Why Choose Custom Jewelry?

Why Choose Custom Jewelry?

I am not a typical jeweler. I prefer to create pieces individual to the wearer.

Jewelry made from inception will be manufactured based on the center stone, wearer’s size, side stones and type of metal. In most cases, I can use your stones and metal in your new piece as well. Finally, budget and cost will be considered. These aspects along with any other specific requests lend to a piece that will be truly your own. The goal is to create jewelry that will last for generations, worn and made with love.

Your piece will be created by me and my team from start to finish. As an experienced designer with attention to detail, your jewelry will stack up to the finest in the industry. First, we start with a consultation to discuss what you have in mind. I like to ask about your lifestyle, see pictures of things of you like and see your current jewelry wardrobe. We will discuss stone and metal choices.

From there, sketches and then a wax is produced. The wax is either hand carved or created using a CAD (computer aided design). Once you see the wax we discuss final touches, enhancements, or changes. Upon final approval, the wax is cast in the metal we choose.The piece is then cleaned and polished and the stones are set. This process is time consuming and requires much expertise. Throughout this process, you may be asked to come in for fittings or to discuss very personal and creative “additions” to your piece. Finally, your piece will be finished, having been made with all the attention and concern to something that is a reflection of me as the designer and you as the wearer.